Professor G.D. James

Professor G.D. James
Address:  Department of Mathematics
Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine
180 Queen's Gate, London SW7 2AZ
Office: Room 675, Huxley Building
Tel: +44 (0)20 7594 8499 (IC)
Fax: +44 (0)20 7594 8517

Research Interests:

My research involves the representation theory of groups. I am particularly interested in symmetric groups and general linear groups and the combinatorics associated with them. A series of my papers has been concerned with evaluating decomposition numbers of various groups and establishing patterns in the decomposition matrices.
I also study q-analogues of the symmetric group algebra, especially Hecke algebras and q-Schur algebras. A collection of fundamental papers has established the relationship between repesentations of general linear groups in both the describing and non-describing characteristic cases and repesentations of symmetric groups. The main key in this area is the q-Schur algebra, which was introduced by R. Dipper and me.

Ph.D. Directions:

1. The study of decomposition matrices of symmetric groups.
2. The representation theory of Hecke algebras of various types.
3. The determinant is an example of a generalized matrix function. The relationship between such functions for certain classes of matrices involve many open problems.

Some Recent Publications:


Journal of Algebra

Linear and Multilinear Algebra


Smith's Prize 1970

Adam's Prize 1981-82 (aeq)

Research Grants:

Nato Grant for project "Representations of classical groups" 1987

SERC grant GR/J37690 for project "The modular representation theory of Coxeter groups and Hecke algebras", 1994.

EPSRC grant GR/K41571 for project "The representation theory of Hecke algebras", 1995.

EPSRC grant GR/N15931 for project "Representations of general linear groups ", 2000.

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