Prof Xuesong Wu
- Room No : 637, Huxley Building
- Telephone No. : +44 207 594 8494
- E-Mail Address : x.wu@ic.ac.uk
Research Interests :
- General Research interests: Fluid mechanics; Applied mathematics.
- Particular Research Interests:
Boundary layer theory;
Hydrodynamic instability & Laminar-turbulent transition; Nonlinear waves;
Aeroacoustics; Combustion instability.
Some Recent Publications :
- On generation of sound in wall-bounded shear flows: source identification, mean-flow refraction, back action of sound and global acoustic coupling. J. Fluid Mech., (in press) (2011).
- Excitation of steady and unsteady Gortler vortices by free-stream vortical disturbances. J. Fluid Mech., 682, 66-100. (2011, with D. Zhao and J. Luo).
- Evolution and instability of nonlinear unsteady streaks generated by free-stream vortical disturbances. J. Fluid Mech., 677, 1-38. (2011, with P. Ricco and J. Luo).
- Large-activation-energy theory for premixed combustion under the influence of enthalpy fluctuations. J. Fluid Mech., 655, 3-23. (2010, with P. Moin).
- On linear instability of a finite Stokes layer: instantaneous
versus Floquet modes. Phys. Fluids , 22, 054106, dio:10.1063/1.3422004. (2010, with J. Luo).
- Low-frequency sound radiated by a nonlinearly modulated wavepacket of helical modes on a subsonic circular jet. J. Fluid Mech., 637, 173-211. (2009, with P. Huerre).
- Flame-acoustic resonance initiated by vortical disturbances. J. Fluid Mech., 634, 321-357. (2009, with C. K. Law).
- Nonlinear development of subsonic modes on compressible mixing layers: a unified strongly nonlinear critical-layer theory. J. Fluid Mech., 614, 105-144. (2008, with C. A. Sparks).
- Instability of a stratified boundary layer and its coupling with internal gravity waves.
Part I: Linear and nonlinear instabilities. J. Fluid Mech., 595, 379-408. (2008, with J. Zhang).
- Instability of a stratified boundary layer and its coupling with internal gravity waves.
Part II: Coupling with internal gravity waves via topography. J. Fluid Mech., 595, 409-433. (2008, with J. Zhang).
- On the catalytic role of the phase-locked interaction of Tollmien--Schlichting
waves in boundary-layer transition. J. Fluid Mech. 590, 265-294.
(2007, with P. A. Stewart and S. J. Cowley).
- Response of a compressible laminar boundary layer to free-stream vortical disturbances.
J. Fluid Mech. 587, 97-138. (2007, with P. Ricco).
- Viscous-inviscid interaction in transonic Prandtl-Meyer flow.
J. Fluid Mech. 568, 387-424. (2006, with A. Ruban and R. Perera).
- Acoustic radiation of Tollmien-Schlichting waves as they undergo
rapid distortion. J. Fluid Mech. 550, 307-347. (2006 with L. Hogg).
- Influence of small imperfections on the stability of plane
Poiseuille flow and limitation of Squire's theorem. Phys. Fluids 18(044104). (2005 with J. S. Luo).
- Asymptotic approach to combustion instability.
Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc. Lond. 363, 1247-1259 (2005).
- Mach wave radiation of nonlinearly evolving supersonic instability
modes in shear flows. J. Fluid Mech. 523, 121-159. (2005).
- Non-equilibrium, nonlinear critical layers in laminar-turbulent
transition. Acta Mechanica Sinica 20, 327-339 (2004).
- Influence of small imperfections on the stability of plane Poiseuille
flow: A theoretical model and direct numerical simulation.
Phys. Fluids 16(8), 2852-2863. (2004, with J.S. Luo).
- Combustion instability due to the nonlinear interaction between
sound and flame. J. Fluid Mech. 497, 23-53. (2003, with M. Wang,
P. Moin and N. Peters).
- Linear and nonlinear instability of a Blasius
boundary layer perturbed by streamwise vortices. Part II: Intermittent
instability induced by long-wavelength Klebanoff modes.
J. Fluid Mech. 483, 249-283. (2003, with M. Choudhari).
- Linear and nonlinear instability of a Blasius
boundary layer perturbed by streamwise vortices. Part I: Steady streaks.
J. Fluid Mech. 483, 225-248. (2003, with J.S. Luo).
- Stability of flow in a channel with vibrating walls.
Phys. Fluids 14, 3927-2936. (2002, with J.M. Floryan and
J. Szumbarski).
- Generation of sound and instability waves due to unsteady suction and
injection. J. Fluid Mech. 453, 289-313 (2002).
- On local boundary-layer receptivity to vortical disturbances in the
free stream. J. Fluid Mech. 449, 373-393 (2001).
- Receptivity of boundary layers with distributed roughness to acoustic
and vortical disturbances: a second-order asymptotic theory and comparison
with experiments. J. Fluid Mech. 431, 91-133 (2001).
- Generation of Tollmien-Schlichting waves by convecting gusts
interacting with sound. J. Fluid Mech. 397, 285-316 (1999).
- On the nonlinear evolution of a pair of oblique Tollmien-Schlichting
waves in boundary layers. J. Fluid Mech. 340, 361-394. (1997,
with S.J. Leib and M.E. Goldstein).
- On oblique-mode breakdown in boundary layers. AIAA Paper ,
96-2133 (1996).
- On the weakly nonlinear development of Tollmien-Schlichting wavetrains
in boundary layers. J. Fluid Mech. 323, 133-171. (1996, with
P.A. Stewart and S.J. Cowley).
- On an active resonant triad of mixed modes in symmetric shear flows:
a plane wake as a paradigm. J. Fluid Mech. 317, 337-368. (1996).
- Interaction of phase-locked modes: a new
mechanism for the rapid growth of three-dimensional disturbances. J.
Fluid Mech. 316, 335-372. (1996, with P.A. Stewart).
A slimed-down version is published in Proc. of IUTAM Symposium on
Laminar-Turbulent Transition, Sendai, (ed. R. Kobayashi), pp. 45-52.
Springer. (1995).
- The resonant-triad interaction in boundary-layer transition.
In Proc. of IUTAM Symposium on Laminar-Turbulent Transition, Sendai,
(ed. R. Kobayashi), pp. 365-372. Springer. (1995, with M.J. Jennings and
P.A. Stewart).
- Stability of cellular states of the
Kuramoto-Sivashinsky equation. SIAM J. Appl. Maths. 56,
1621-1638. (1996, with J.N. Elgin).
- Viscous effects on fully coupled resonant-triad interactions: an
analytical approach. J. Fluid Mech. 292, 377-407. (1995).
- On the nonlinear evolution of instability modes in unsteady shear
layers: the Stokes layer as a paradigm. Q. J. Mech. Appl. Math.,
48, 159-188. (1995, with S.J. Cowley).
- Asymptotic approaches to transition modelling. In Progress in
Transition Modelling: AGARD Report 793, 1-38. (1994, with S.J. Cowley).
- Nonlinear temporal-spatial modulation of near-planar Rayleigh
waves in shear flows: formation of streamwise vortices. J. Fluid
Mech. 256, 685-719. (1993).
- On critical-layer and diffusion-layer nonlinearity in the
three dimensional stage of boundary-layer transition. Proc. Roy. Soc.
Lon. A443, 95-106. (1993).
- On the weakly nonlinear instability of shear flows to pairs of oblique
waves: the Stokes layer as a paradigm. J. Fluid Mech. 253,
681-720. (1993, with S.S. Lee and S.J. Cowley).
- A critical-layer analysis of resonant triad in Blasius boundary layer
transition: nonlinear interactions. J. Fluid Mech. 256,
85-106. (1993, with R.R. Mankbadi and S.S. Lee).
- The nonlinear evolution of high-frequency resonant triad waves in an
oscillatory Stokes-layer at high Reynolds number. J. Fluid Mech.
245, 553-797. (1992).