The Seminar at the INI Feb-Mar 2002

The first segment of 3-folds at the Newton Institute Feb-Jul 2002 was a working seminar on Shokurov's paper "Prelimiting flips" (Mar 2002 draft, 247 pp.).

The book "Flips for 3-folds and 4-folds" will soon be published by Oxford University Press.

Flips for 3-folds and 4-folds

Chapter 1, Introduction, by A. Corti

Chapter 2, 3-fold flips after Shokurov, by A. Corti

Chapter 3, What is log terminal?, by O. Fujino

Chapter 4, Special termination and reduction to pl flips, by O. Fujino

Chapter 5, Extension theorems and the existence of flips, by C. D. Hacon and J. McKernan

Chapter 6, Saturated mobile b-divisors on weak del Pezzo klt surfaces, by A. Corti, J. McKernan and H. Takagi

Chapter 7, Confined divisors, by J. McKernan

Chapter 8, Kodaira's canonical bundle formula and subadjunction, by J. Kollár

Chapter 9, Non-klt techniques, by F. Ambro

Chapter 10, Glossary, by A. Corti